Dr. Joelle Suel
Dr. Joelle Suel is uniquely gifted, qualified, and appointed with God’s love to reach into the hearts, souls, and spirits of the children of God. As a warm, compassionate, unassuming and dynamic women, Dr. J’s preaching and teaching are vibrant, power-packed and life-changing. Healing, freedom and mighty renewal are present in every gathering. Dr. J is the founder of Glory to Glory Christian Center and the Glory to Glory Institute of the Holy Spirit. She is the author of the book, Counting the Cost, the Institute curriculum, and a daily devotional, Today with Dr. J. She earned her Doctor of Ministry degree from the Phoenix University of Theology.

I'm Dr. Joelle
Also known as “Dr. J.”, called and anointed to demonstrate the reality of Christ through the ministry of the Holy Spirit. My heart is for all who are seeking more of God to experience His presence and power. My goal is to equip, build up ad edify the body of Christ by stirring up flames of revival. I welcome your fellowship and interest in this work of the Lord, and invite you to visit with us in Denver-Aurora Colorado, online anytime, by invitation for events or evangelism, or to bring our unique Women on Fire Conference and/or Splash! Empowerment Meetings to a city near you! I look forward to co-labor together with you. Abundant blessings!

Dr. Joelle Suel is blessed with overflowing love, a sharp wit, and a captivating delivery. To know her is to love her. She speaks fluent English with a melodic lyricism that reveals the songs in her heart. Dr. Joelle Suel’s desire is to love, to teach, to serve, to water God’s people with the reign of the Holy Spirit that we might be nourished and grow tout au plus—all the more, to the utmost; From fear to faith, from despair to hope, from darkness to light.
She believes lives can be touched and transformed by the actual presence and power of God. Her passion is to facilitate transformation through empowerment meetings called Splash, held in cities nationwide, to present a unique opportunity for spiritual renewal and revival through the power and authority of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus fills those who thirst for more and flames of revival are ignited and stirred up. People gather to receive a fresh anointing for their calling, along with power and purpose for an effective work! This enables breakthroughs in their lives, home, work and churches. They receive a spiritual tune up! Everyone is filled to be spilled!
Author, Teacher, Pastor
Dr. Joelle Suel is a Christian teacher, the Founder and Dean of this Glory to Glory Institute of the Holy Spirit. She is also the author of the curriculum and people from all over seek the equipping they receive from her courses.
Through her writings, Dr. Joelle Suel, a Christian author, brings inspiration, teachings and encouragement. She is the author of the bestselling book, Stepping Stones, and a daily devotional, Today with Dr. J, which can also be found on this site.
Dr. Joelle Suel is also a sought out Christian speaker. She is called and anointed to demonstrate the reality of Christ through the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Her focus is to equip, build up and edify the body of Christ. Her passion is to ignite, stir up and fan the flames of revival.
Her heart is for all who are seeking more of Jesus to experience His presence and power. We pray that as you visit this site you will be ministered to and blessed, from glory to glory!
Rev. Scott
Dr. Joelle is clearly an anointed woman of God. I love how God receives the glory, as people are touched, healed and transformed by the Holy Spirit, through her meetings, teachings and messages. Dr. J's daily blog teaches, uplifts and mentors thousands of people around the world. I have been encouraged, and uplifted by not only Dr. Joelle, but also by the wonderful community of believers that follow her. I thank our Lord Jesus Christ for using this woman of God!
Rev. Maureen
Dr. Joelle reveals the path of transformational life in Christ through Holy Spirit-led teaching, and her transparent life fueled by His energizing love. Truly, she is called by God for this very time to demonstrate hilarious freedom in Christ sustained by His power to share real Hope.
Rev. Shoshanah
The battle of taking every thought captive to the glory of God has become reachable to me through the sound bible teaching and Holy Spirit leadership of Dr. Joelle. Most importantly is the character development and spiritual growth I am learning to walk in moment by moment through the discipline of the Institute and her life changing messages.