
“For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us” (2 Corinthians 1:20 NKJV).

“I promise I will come see you next week.” “I promise I will pay you back.” We wait. Nothing happens. No apologies. Silence. We all have experienced disappointment expecting someone to follow through on their words. Can we trust the promises of God? Or will they also let us down?

The promises of God are not things He promises He will do in the future, but things He spoke of and did through the person and work of Jesus Christ. We connect the promises to who He is. All He did came from who He was. On the cross, He declared, “It is finished.” He accomplished His promised salvation, redemption, victory, and so much more.

Our part is to lay hold of them by faith and say amen to God’s yes in Christ. Religion says if we do this, then God will do that. In Christ it is not, if and then, but yes and amen. As the Holy Spirit teaches us the Word and helps us apply its truths to our lives, we believe in and receive them. We say, amen, Lord. So be it! So be the peace, hope, and victory we have in Him. Amen to His glory! Amen to His presence, power, protection, and provisions. So, all He has accomplished is amen and amen,  from glory to glory!

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