Our Good Shepherd

"I am the good shepherd; and I know My sheep, and am known by My own." - John 10:14 NKJV

As the Good Shepherd, Jesus knows each of us intimately, understands our struggles, and seeks to protect and provide for us—always. The more we grow in the knowledge of who He is, the more we find security and rest in His love, trusting that He watches over us. He leads us to safe pastures and still waters, guiding us into the fullness of His promises.

Reflect on the metaphor of the shepherd, who stays vigilant at the gate, warding off dangers and ensuring the safety of His sheep. Jesus stands guard over your life, shielding you from harm and leading you toward His promise of abundant life. Allow His love to fill your heart with peace and find rest in His protective arms.

Lord, thank You for being my Good Shepherd. Your protection, provision, and care amaze me. Please forgive me for worrying at times, as though You are not there. Help me follow Your voice and trust in Your guidance. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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