Hearing His Lovingkindness

Cause me to hear Your lovingkindness in the morning, For in You do I trust; Cause me to know the way in which I should walk, - Psalm 143:8

Tuning in to God’s voice upon waking stirs up our trust in His lovingkindness. He desires to speak to us more than we desire to hear Him. His leading is always for our best. Listening to His voice requires intentional focus amid the noise of our world. Even when we believe we know the way, we should continually seek His guidance, allowing Him to redirect us.

Start your day by expressing your love for Him and praising Him for His. Ask for His guidance in the way you should walk, remaining open to His direction. If you don’t hear clearly, step forward in faith with what you do know, keeping your heart tuned to His, from glory to glory.

Lord, thank You for Your love, care, and guidance. I trust You and desire to trust You more. Cause me to know the way in which I should walk and how I should walk to glorify You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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