Under His Influence
"Those who are led by the Spirit are the sons of God." - Romans 8:14 NKJV
Being led by the Spirit is a mark of our identity as children of God. It’s not about religious performance, but about surrendering to the Holy Spirit’s influence in every area of our lives. The more we seek His guidance, the more we walk in step with God’s perfect will. This journey requires practice, patience, and trust in His gentle promptings.
Pause before making decisions today and invite the Holy Spirit to guide you. Trust that He will lead you in alignment with God’s will. Practice being more aware of His presence, and let Him influence your actions, thoughts, and words.
Holy Spirit, guide me in every decision I make today. Help me to walk in alignment with Your will and to trust Your leading. Remove my doubts and insecurities, and empower me to obey Your promptings. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Being led by the Spirit is a mark of our identity as children of God. It’s not about religious performance, but about surrendering to the Holy Spirit’s influence in every area of our lives. The more we seek His guidance, the more we walk in step with God’s perfect will. This journey requires practice, patience, and trust in His gentle promptings.
Pause before making decisions today and invite the Holy Spirit to guide you. Trust that He will lead you in alignment with God’s will. Practice being more aware of His presence, and let Him influence your actions, thoughts, and words.
Holy Spirit, guide me in every decision I make today. Help me to walk in alignment with Your will and to trust Your leading. Remove my doubts and insecurities, and empower me to obey Your promptings. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Posted in Holy Spirit, Identity in Christ, Victorious Living
Posted in spiritual guidance, Led by the Spirit, surrenderer, mind, Jesus
Posted in spiritual guidance, Led by the Spirit, surrenderer, mind, Jesus
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