Open Doors and Opposition

"For a great and effective door is open unto me. And there are many adversaries." - 1 Corinthians 16:9 NKJV

Paul recognized that with great opportunities come significant challenges. He highlighted the importance of being aware of the spiritual warfare that often accompanies the manifestation of God's Word in our lives. Various adversaries can try to hinder God's promises and opportunities, but we should stand firm in faith, knowing that what He has opened, no one can shut.

Reflect on areas in your life where you sense God’s calling and pray for the strength to withstand any spiritual battles. As you identify open doors of opportunity, prepare yourself for the adversaries that may arise by staying in the Word and engaging in preventive prayer.

Lord, thank You for the opportunities You have placed before me. I come against anything that would try to hinder the manifestation of Your Word in my life. I stand strong in You and in the power of Your might. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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