A Treasure in Earthen Vessels

But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us. - 2 Corinthians 4:7 NKJV
I recall the story of a man who, for eighteen dollars at a flea market, bought a painting with an interesting frame. Upon dismantling it at home, he discovered a hidden treasure: one of the only four original copies of the Declaration of Independence, which he then sold for over four million dollars.
This story serves as a metaphor for our own lives. Our frame is what we are made of in the natural. Beneath this surface lies immense value waiting to be discovered. As we walk free from bonds that are part of our natural frame, the freedom we have in Christ unfolds. Our journey with Christ becomes a treasure hunt, where each step from revelation to revelation uncovers more of this wealth.
The hidden wealth in the Word of God unfolds as we dig deeper and deeper. A scripture appearing simple often carries an unseen treasure of wisdom. Let's focus on the treasure within us, the 'earthen vessels,' and not our frame, seeking Christ and His Word. The Holy Spirit reveals our true identity and inheritance in Christ as we go and grow, from glory to glory!
I recall the story of a man who, for eighteen dollars at a flea market, bought a painting with an interesting frame. Upon dismantling it at home, he discovered a hidden treasure: one of the only four original copies of the Declaration of Independence, which he then sold for over four million dollars.
This story serves as a metaphor for our own lives. Our frame is what we are made of in the natural. Beneath this surface lies immense value waiting to be discovered. As we walk free from bonds that are part of our natural frame, the freedom we have in Christ unfolds. Our journey with Christ becomes a treasure hunt, where each step from revelation to revelation uncovers more of this wealth.
The hidden wealth in the Word of God unfolds as we dig deeper and deeper. A scripture appearing simple often carries an unseen treasure of wisdom. Let's focus on the treasure within us, the 'earthen vessels,' and not our frame, seeking Christ and His Word. The Holy Spirit reveals our true identity and inheritance in Christ as we go and grow, from glory to glory!
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