Do You Believe This?

Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?’- John 11:25-26.

Do we believe this? Let us ponder on the validity of our Lord’s resurrection and reflect on our faith so we can rejoice with our whole heart. Jesus’ crucifixion symbolizes the payment of our sins, and His resurrection, the receipt of that payment. It proves His victory. Resurrection results from eternal redemption. Our Savior conquered sin and death.

Because Christ is risen, our faith is not in vain, and our witnessing is true. Jesus’ resurrection also guaranteed our future resurrection. Hallelujah! We are on our way to an upgrade. God will raise our body from corruption to incorruption, from weakness to power, and from a natural body to a glorious body. (1 Cor. 15:42-22)

We can also have faith in the power of His resurrection to work in our lives today, regardless of our hardships and difficult circumstances. His victory guarantees ours. Hallelujah!

Do we believe this? Yes, Lord, we do and give you praise, honor and glory! We love You, worship You, and surrender all to You, trusting You take us, from glory to glory!

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