Giving Thanks When We Want to Complain

…in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise prophecies. Test all things, hold fast what is good. - 1 Thes. 5:18-21

Complaining, like comparisons and criticisms, hinders our progress in the Lord. A murmuring, complaining spirit is displeasing to God. While it is natural to express grief, sorrow, or share our struggles, constantly grumbling, accusing, and speaking negatively, acknowledging nothing positive should not be our norm.

Complaining becomes even more destructive when directed at people rather than circumstances. It can lead to gossip and fuel the enemy's work. To help those struggling with a complaining spirit, we should gently guide them to recognize what the Lord has already done. We can shine a light in the darkness, lifting them up with words of life, hope, and trust. Our faith and example can be a powerful encouragement.

Complaining often stems from a spirit of fear, which is conquered as we walk in the freedom we have in Christ. We are called to be thankful in all things. Giving thanks when we want to complain. Gratitude should be our daily attitude. We overcome evil with good. When surrounded by negativity, we are to remain positive. Let’s hold fast to what is good and what is of the Lord, from glory to glory!

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