Press Through to Your Breakthrough

Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. – Philippians 3:12 NKJV

It’s easier to press through obstacles when we know what is on the other side, but then we would walk by sight instead of by faith. If we knew, it would clarify the purpose for our pressing ahead, and strengthen us not to give up; but that would depend on our knowledge, not God. The Lord increases our faith in what we do not see so we can press through what we see. We trust that what we are pressing through for will be a breakthrough because it’s from God.

We lay hold of what Christ Jesus has laid hold of for us. The challenge we face is our uncertainty of what that is. Not knowing the exact purpose doesn’t matter as much as knowing that God has one for everyone. Each purpose connects to another. We look at one thing while God looks at everything. We need to press on by faith to reach for what is beyond our reach.

Recognizing that we have not reached our destination, and are in a continued transformation process, enables us to press through to our breakthrough. We can trust Father God has the best for us. The unknown becomes known and His purpose unfolds, from glory to glory!

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