How Do We Handle Rejection?

Nevertheless when one turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. – 2 Corinthians 3:16 NKJV

Satan tries to put back the veil that the Lord removed when we turned to Him and received salvation. The veils of religion, pride, self-effort, and fleshy ways stop us from beholding God’s transforming glory in our lives. Paying attention to what the enemy shows us: our weaknesses, shortcomings, and humanity hinders us. His lies bring guilt, shame, and condemnation.

The Holy Spirit transforms us into the image of Jesus as we grow in Him, but we do not always see it. Seeing and understanding it is the key to witnessing our divine identity. His character becomes clear, even amid our shortcomings. We become more loving, patient, gentle, peaceful; more like Him. Seeing more of Jesus in our lives than we did before encourages us in our walk.

The more turn to the Lord, worship Him, and pay attention to His presence in our lives, the more we fight off insecurity, and walk free. It encourages us to focus on what the Lord has done instead of what is still in the process of transformation. What holds us back from seeing God’s glory diminishes as we magnify His presence, from glory to glory!

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