Walk in New Mercies Everyday

“Through the LORD’s mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness” (Lamentations 3:22-23).

At the start of a new year, many set resolutions that fail before the end of January. This cycle of unrealistic goals, inconsistent efforts, and inevitable interruptions often leads to frustration, discouragement, and the abandonment of our goals. This is particularly true when our resolutions are driven solely by the start of a new year.  

Even though it’s important to set dates for our goals, the date itself should not be the sole motivator. If a new year’s arrival is our reason to embark on a diet, for example, a single slip can diminish our resolve. But when the date is merely a milestone in our journey, each setback becomes an opportunity to rise and persist until we triumph, irrespective of how many new dates we mark on the calendar.

When we fail, we can trust God’s compassion do not. He understands our struggles and is faithful to help us as we yield to His grace and mercy. Because we put Him first, we put His leading first. No matter what didn’t work the previous day, we yield to His directions every day, believing in His ability, from glory to glory!

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