We Are God's Fellow Workers

For we are God’s fellow workers; you are God’s field, you are God’s building. - 1 Corinthians 3:9 NKJV.

Not only are we God's fellow workers; but we are His field and His building. Our primary focus should be on building His house, not ours. We are His spiritual building and should establish our foundations with Christ as the cornerstone. This profound truth must align with all our priorities. Jesus is Lord of all or Lord not at all.

Let's surrender all: spirit, soul, and body, to Him. Since we belong to Him, let's consecrate, commit, and devote ourselves to His divine purpose. We forsake all for His sake. As we diligently work on building His house, as His fellow workers, He graciously provides us with all we need, opening doors to His divine resources.

Our natural inclination might be to evaluate what we can accomplish with our means. However, as God's fellow workers in His field, we learn to rely on what He provides: His materials, His strength, His plan, and His wisdom. You are God's building, God's workmanship, God's glorious sanctuary, from glory to glory!

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