Are You in Spiritual Training?

Until the time that his word came: the word of the Lord tried him.- Psalm 105:19 KJV

Do we recognize the timing of a spiritual training? It's often when we look back and realize we were being taught without knowing it. Our tests are not obvious. The lessons we learn increase our faith and strengthen our walk, even we don’t see it. The Lord trains us to become fit for His glorious purpose.

The tests are not to grade us to gain God’s favor. It is because of His favor that we can learn. Our identity in Him gives us a grade A to start with. Accepted, appointed, and anointed. We pass the tests as winners, even when we must learn the same lessons repeatedly. The purpose of the training is for our transformation and the fulfilling of His glorious plans.

Faith develops through a decision we make that defies our understanding. Patience is developed through an altercation with someone who aggravates us. Perseverance is strengthened when we hang on to our hope by a thread. So many opportunities to grow through our many tests. All pointing to the greatest test: the test of His Word in our lives. Each challenge being a testimony in progress. Through each lesson in our spiritual training, we learn to stand on His Word, from glory to glory!

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