What Light Are We Following?
For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light. - Ephesians 5:8
Returning from a trip, I found myself in a storm that severely limited visibility. My windshield wipers didn’t move fast enough and the unfamiliar road heightened my anxiety. Instinctively, I followed a truck ahead, using its lights to guide me. But when it veered off onto another path after several miles, I was left alone in the dark, uncertain of the way forward. In that moment of desperation, I turned to the Lord and pleaded, 'Lord, please help me!' Jesus, the Light of the World, guided me safely home. Hallelujah!
There are moments in our lives when we follow someone else’s lights and suddenly find they are no longer there… there is nothing to do but go forward, trusting Him! They were to guide us only for a season. For a moment, apprehension and worry trouble us. What will we do without them? It’s in our loss that we gain dependency on the Lord’s presence.
Without realizing it, others also follow our lights! How humbling. We never know who is watching us. It draws us closer to the leading of the Lord. When others come to us for wisdom and prayer, let's not question the brightness of our light, but trust the Lord's shining through us. We follow Him, from glory to glory!
Related YouTube Message: Turn on the Lights
Returning from a trip, I found myself in a storm that severely limited visibility. My windshield wipers didn’t move fast enough and the unfamiliar road heightened my anxiety. Instinctively, I followed a truck ahead, using its lights to guide me. But when it veered off onto another path after several miles, I was left alone in the dark, uncertain of the way forward. In that moment of desperation, I turned to the Lord and pleaded, 'Lord, please help me!' Jesus, the Light of the World, guided me safely home. Hallelujah!
There are moments in our lives when we follow someone else’s lights and suddenly find they are no longer there… there is nothing to do but go forward, trusting Him! They were to guide us only for a season. For a moment, apprehension and worry trouble us. What will we do without them? It’s in our loss that we gain dependency on the Lord’s presence.
Without realizing it, others also follow our lights! How humbling. We never know who is watching us. It draws us closer to the leading of the Lord. When others come to us for wisdom and prayer, let's not question the brightness of our light, but trust the Lord's shining through us. We follow Him, from glory to glory!
Related YouTube Message: Turn on the Lights
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