Does Faith Work?

For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, ‘The just shall live by faith.’ - Romans 1:17

Faith is the substance, the confidence, assurance of the present reality of what we hope for. It rests on the finished work of Jesus on the cross and sees the unseen in the natural. By faith, we see, speak, and seize God’s will. Faith works!

As we seek God for direction in His Word, He highlights His promises for us to stand on. We speak them forth with confidence. We stand on what the Word of God says, regardless of any other word our natural ears might hear. By faith, we proclaim the truth and see it rebuke the lies instantly. The more we believe the promises of God in our hearts, the more we can declare them to the darkness that occupies our surroundings.

We stand until our circumstances align with the promises of God. While we are waiting for the manifestation of the promises of God, we rest in Him; praise and worship Him! By faith, we seize what Christ has already accomplished, and lay hold of His victory. Overcomers in any situation. We lay hold of what God has laid hold of us for, aligning our will with His. We see, say and seize, from glory to glory!

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