Do Whatever the Lord Says to Do

His mother said to the servants, ‘Whatever He says to you, do it." - John 2:5

Obedience to what appears to be impossible paves the way for God's supernatural interventions—His miracles, His glory. We see so many examples of it in the Bible: Moses parting the red sea; Joshua collapsing the walls of Jericho; Gideon triumphing with only only 300 men, and David defeating Goliath. We, too, join this lineage of faith, affirming that nothing is too hard for God.

It is difficult to obey God when we do not see the entire picture. Whatever He asks of us often cannot be done in the natural. Feelings of inadequacy, insecurity, and inferiority battle our steps of faith. The more impossible it sounds, the fiercer the internal battle. It takes great faith to obey His Word and do so quickly, no questions asked.

Steps of obedience to whatever He says to do calls for character transformation. It's as we trust Him and who He is, more than ourselves, that we step forth, yielding to His presence and power. Our yes to the Lord strengthens our no to the things of the flesh. Let's tell Him: Yes, Lord, to whatever your will is, from glory to glory!

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