Room For More of God

And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed. - Mark 1:35

Let us follow Jesus' example and regularly dedicate time to prayer to seek the Lord. The more we seek Him, the more we make space for Him in our lives. When we prioritize God, everything falls into place. Some people move away while others become close. Unhealthy habits break and healthy ones form. His presence changes everything.

We might get too comfortable in the room we made for the Lord through various spiritual disciplines, like worship, prayer, and reading of the Word. Reaching for the unknown by faith requires letting go of the familiar. We should always hunger for more. There is more of His abundant life in our lives. Our hearts are being filled with more of His love. More of His wisdom in our minds.

Making more room for the Lord is not something we do until a certain point and then stop, but it is an ongoing process. Whatever part of the process we are in today, we can trust that there is no “small” change in God. The small room we make allows for the much more of God to manifest. Room for more of Christ, from glory to glory.

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