God Gives Grace to the Humble

But He gives more grace. Therefore He says: ‘GOD RESISTS THE PROUD, BUT GIVES GRACE TO THE HUMBLE.’ Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.- James 4:6-7.

Blinders, bandages over our eyes, can shut out the light. Pride is one of the strongest. It opens the door for many other blinders, like prejudice, rejection, and offense. It is the one to watch out for the most because it hinders humility, which is necessary for the manifestation of the grace of God.

Pride is an unwillingness to humble ourselves, to say we have been wrong, or to take something back; To think more of the glory of man, others and our own, than of the glory of God; To walk more before man than before God; To care more about what others think than God. Pride caused satan’s fall, so he tries to use it the same way in our lives. God gives grace to the humble!

Since humility is our safeguard, we pursue it daily when we commune with the Lord. Our love for Him and our submission to His Lordship enables us to resist the devil and cause him to flee. We pray He reveals and heals our prideful ways by His spirit. As we welcome His cleansing, we rest in Him, from glory to glory.   

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