Living in the Now of Christ

"...who once were not a people, but are now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy" (1 Peter 2:10 NKJV).  

When we are born again, all things become new. We have a new life in Christ. Once bound by the law, we are now free. Once distant from God, we are now brought near. Once dwelling in darkness, we now live in His marvelous light. Our walk, once marked by sin, is now characterized by putting off the works of darkness. The mystery of Christ abiding in us was hidden, but now it is revealed. Each moment offers an opportunity for renewal, as our transformation into Christ's image is ongoing.

Instead of focusing on what still needs to change-whether in ourselves or others—we celebrate the progress we've made. We are not yet who we will be, but we are no longer who we were. Yesterday is past, and now we are in Christ, walking in the newness of life each day. As we walk in our new identity, life's challenges often confront us with the opposites of these truths.

Through God's grace, we conquer all things contrary to our divine identity. We trust in the not yet of His promises, knowing He is faithful. Before, we didn't know how to stand in trials, but now, trial by trial, we go from triumph to triumph, from glory to glory!
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